The EdPrep Approach
The EdPrep program consists of a 4-year learning sequence designed to move students closer to college acceptance. We do this through four foundational goals for culturally responsive college and career readiness.
Building a Mental Model
Parental Partnership
Proactive Preparation
Strategy & Support
Impact & Outcomes
Competency to navigate the University environment with the confidence, mindset and intentionality needed to earn a degree.
Lesson Format
Indicators & Skills:
The college and career skill opportunities and the culturally responsive indicators embedded within the lesson.
Lesson Context:
Brief overview capturing the topic importance as part of your college preparatory journey.
Terms & Concepts:
Concise definitions of key terms and/or concepts that are important to the lesson activity.
Goals & Outcomes:
Anticipated impact of the lesson on college acceptance progress.
Activity Overview:
Explanation of the lesson activity and the documents, software and/or access that will be needed for the lesson.
Terms & Concepts:
Concise definitions of key terms and/or concepts that are important to the lesson activity.
Crediting & Submission:
Directions for how to submit your assignment to receive lesson credit.
Slow it Down, Speed it Up:
Suggestions for lesson modifications to support different levels of engagement and abitlity.
Prep for the Next:
Guidancefor the next lesson; includes items that will be needed for the next less & time management support.
Explore Tab:
Supplemental resources that support the lesson topic.
Culturally Responsive Indicators
Building a Mental Model
Parental Partnership
Proactive Preparation
Strategy & Support
College & Career Readiness Skills
Speaking + Listening
Research + Technology
What does the research say?
Black and Latino youth disproportionately attend high schools that provide limited access to a guidance counselor or no counselor at all. The American School Counselor Association recommends a student to counselor ratio of 250:1. In schools where there are high Black and Latino student populations, the ratio is 332:1.
Representation of Black and Latino students at the nation’s most selective institutions is a consequence of the lack of access to guidance, preparation, and parental involvement in high school. Our students deserve access to the opportunities, social capital, and financial support that these institutions afford its students. Students who attend these institutions are more likely to graduate, earn more money over the course of their life, and hold influential positions in business and politics. Our communities can be stronger as we increase college attainment across selective institutions.